Randomeanderings: Useful and useless things, random assorted ideas and general waffle

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Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Act 1, Scene 1, a Wedding in 1986...

Well that's it. I've survived my first show. To be honest I think the last thing I was concerned about was the audience. I was more worried about wearing the right outfit in the right scene and not walking on stage too early, too late - or forgetting to walk on at all. So when all said and done, it was a success from that point of view. I am also getting used to having a weirdly orange face and bright blue eye shadow. I am still recovering from the shock of my flatmates thinking that it is a look that suits me.

Instead of getting changed in the communal dressing room I end up getting changed in behind the stage for most of my scenes. This is not something I recommend. Even as I try and change from one outfit to another, I am helping someone else with their radio mike, and simultaneously ducking so a prop coming through doesn't hit me. So far I've already been hit with a guitar and chair. :)

What's more to the point, that through the greasepaint (ok, orange foundation) and roar of the crowd (ok, clapping and laughter), I am thoroughly enjoying myself. Which I wasn't sure I would. Roll on tonight's show...