My recommendation for the summer is to take care when buying and using suncream and after sun lotions. Read the labels on the bottles very carefully. When I say very carefully, I mean, extremely carefully.
Otherwise you may find yourself in my current situation. I sit here, typing this, very patchily scarlet and white. In places my colour resembles that of a lobster, in others that of a milkbottle. All this due to not reading labels properly.
When I liberally plastered myself in cream on Saturday so I wouldn't get scalded by the noonday sun in Southwold, I was actually basting myself in aftersun oil. Which attracted the sun in a similar way to people in the 70s covering themselves in baby oil and lying on silver foil to improve their tans.
Our wander down the beach, walk along the prom (prom prom), paddle in the sea and peer at the pier were all accompanied by strong sunshine, but we were fine because we were wearing sunblock. Weren't we...?
Fortunately for my bf, only his neck was and face were exposed because of his choice of top (tshirt). Vest tops, while comfortable, are no protection.
So I am now once more covered in aftersun. This time I mean to be. I estimate that as soon as my 'tan' stops looking red and being sore, I should start peeling...