So in the last few weeks I have been searching for a new home. I am getting rather better at translating room adverts - single (box room), small double (single), double (single but we've crammed a double bed in though don't expect to be able to tread on the floor or open the bedroom door properly).
I've met a variety of prospective landlords and landladies, and been given lists of rules by some even before I've seen the rooms. Others have said how lovely all their tenants have found their places - this while I am looking at filthy curtains, trying to avoid wrinkling my nose up at the stale smell of smoke and wondering what on earth I've just trodden in.
Admittedly I come with baggage. Well, furniture to be precise. I'm looking for a room that is big enough to house me, my two bookcases and my desk (as well as the usual bedroom furniture). So far I've only found two rooms that could do so. One had a cat (I'm allergic), the other needed someone to move in immediately (I need to move at the start of July).
Am rather hoping that one of the places I've asked about this week might prove to be my new home. Let's face it - it would be a shame to make bookcases homeless. Maybe I should try and reside in a library?