Randomeanderings: Useful and useless things, random assorted ideas and general waffle

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Part time poet, full time librarian, student of the delights of milk chocolate. Likes books, milk, paddling, poetry, scribbling, chocolate, notebooks, sea, piers. Not necessarily in that order. All work copyright cih.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Ice Ice Baby

Lecture today from the British Library. Very interesting but slightly marred by the freezing air con which turned what had been an admittedly warm room into one of the lesser known regions of the North Pole. I would not have been surprised if a Polar Bear had wandered in at some point during the talk. That said, as the room was quite full, if one had done so there wouldn't have been anywhere for them to sit.

We got to hear all about the British Library's vision for the future, and given that I have visited it quite recently, I could envisage it quite well. It does look and sound like a lovely place to work but I understand there's a hiring freeze on. Appropriate given today's lecture room temperature.