So I am going to be starting an MA in Library Science in September, at City University. So far so good. It'll be a part time MA over two years while I continue doing my usual work as well. So this Random Meanderings may well end up having a vaguely library feel on the odd occasion. Or not so odd occasion. I'll probably also end up with MA influenced tweets too. In fact I think it may influence my entire life. My poor family and bf :) If it wasn't bad enough to have to cope with the hundreds of books that I already share my life with...
I've been wondering what a Librarian actually looks like. I've known so many over the ten years that I've worked in libraries and they have ranged from the grey haired ladies with sensible shoes (think of the spectre at the start of Ghostbusters before she turns into a skeletal freak) to the self consciously hip and trendy ones wearing jeans and tshirts with logos. The main thing they have in common is their love of the job. Which is where I come in. No, I'm not saying that I'm going to be the scary version of the librarian. Although I guess if I ever go back to public sector and we ever get customers like some of the ones I've had to deal with in the, I jest of course.
I went to the open evening at City on Wednesday. Got hideously lost en route due to my inability to follow directions and read maps simultaneously - a skill which was aided and abetted by a friendly stranger. This kind lady directed me a considerable way in completely the wrong direction and I only discovered this fact by checking with another person after deciding I'd been walking for an awfully long time with no recognisable street names appearing. Anyway.. once I reached the open evening I went to the talk about the course and came back full of information and ideas. In fact I came back buzzing with enthusiasm and the desire to read my books to prepare for the course.
Ok, I am slightly concerned that I won't be able to manage to work and study at the same time, especially given my previous health problems. The fact that I haven't studied academically since 1996 (apart from my C&G) is slightly alarming - but then I don't see why I shouldn't be able to do it!
Life is too short to not seize any opportunities that you get offered.
I can't wait until September :)